110 North Main Street, Dayton , Ohio 45402
On June 1, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Region V office established a regional emphasis program (REP) focusing on occupational noise exposure in the workplace. The initiative is meant to encourage employers to take steps to identify, reduce and eliminate hazards associated with exposure to high levels of...
It appears that the mandate for employers in the construction industry to provide heat illness protection to their employees is, if anything, more confusing after the decision of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission ...
Protection from falls is very important for the safety of any business. According to OSHA, “Falls from ladders account for 20 percent of all fatal and lost work-day injuries in general industry.”
Several changes are about to occur for employers regarding contesting OSHA citations. The updated OSHRC Rules of Procedure, which will go into effect on June 10, 2019, were last revised in 2005. Please remember...
Having an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is a very important part of any safety program. But, what is an EAP and why do you need one? Second question first. If you are in the construction industry (governed by the OSHA 1926 standards) you are required to have an...
On October 11, 2018, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a memorandum clarifying its position on post-incident drug testing and workplace safety incentive programs. I have already seen several interpretations of this new guidance from OSHA...
Emergency Action Plans
The requirement that companies engaged in construction work have an emergency action plan is not recognized by many post-frame contractors, but it definitely applies to the work that we do. This Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirement is found in Section 1926.35 of the Code of Federal Regulations...
As we move into the summer months it is time for all contractors to consider implementing a heat illness prevention program. There have been increasing reports of heat illnesses in the workplace. Employees, who work in a high heat index environment, are vulnerable to various heat related illnesses. At their worse, heat illnesses can result in the death of the employee. Back in 2011, OSHA instituted a program to ...
You may have heard more than you care to hear about electronic records submission. And it’s possible that a number of you have failed to make your electronic submissions to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration either because you think that the standard does not apply to you or because you...
UPDATE: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has extended the deadline for employers to electronically submit injury and illness data to December 1, 2017.
On May 17, 2017, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration indefinitely delayed the July 1, 2017 deadline for employers to electronically submit injury and illness data. OSHA’s original electronic reporting rule required employers with 250 or more employees, as well as “high risk” industry employers with 20-249 employees, to electronically submit data from their 2016 Form 300A logs to OSHA by July 1, 2017.
Hazard Recognition - This is a very important issue for all employers in the construction industry. No, I am not talking about Hazard Communication; that is a completely different topic. I am talking about the recognition of hazardous conditions on the worksite. We conduct ...
OSHA has recently taken action to rescind the February 2013 interpretative letter, also known as the Fairfax memo, which permitted employees at non-union companies to designate a non-employee union representative to accompany an OSHA compliance officer as he/she conducted a site compliance inspection. The Fairfax memo was ...
The new OSHA anti-retaliation rules became effective after I submitted my last article for Frame Building News. Because these provisions are so critical and have been the subject of so much controversy, I have ...